Welcome Nadieh
We are very pleased to announce that Thud_studio will now be representing Nadieh Bremer.
Nadieh is a data visualisation expert and artist who uses complex data sets to produce beautiful things. Her work has been included in some of the worlds most iconic publications including The washington post, Scientific America, The Week, Wired and Digital Arts.
Wanderlust is Bremer’s latest work and takes the form of NFT’s which use the actual blockchain data they were created with as the source of their visualisations.
We are planning to show Nadieh’s work in the Gallery in 2022 so watch this space.
Each visual is a representation of the transactions that occurred within a single Ethereum block. In short, squares represent transactions where Ethereum was transferred, sized according to the amount. Circles are ERC-20 transactions, whereas a pulsing circle marks an NFT. Diamonds are all else. The approximate transaction fee (known as “the gas”) is plotted on top of each transaction. Sometimes the gas is barely visible, sometimes they form “bubbles” larger than the transaction itself. Finally, everything is scaled to the largest Ethereum transaction of the block.