The Turning Point
Tim Hudson will be presenting 5 pieces of his latest works along side 14 other Artists based in Amsterdam. - MANDO MARIE- ROWENA DRING- TIM HUDSON- FRANCESCA AIKMAN- TONY VAN AMSTERDAM- SHARMA PETERSON- SEBASTIAN VAN HAASEN- STEVE MATSARI- CHINNY BOND- OTTOGRAPH-...
Great Opening
On the 4th June we opend the first ever exhibition at Thud_Studio. It was a really great night with over 80 people turning up to see the photography of Benjamin Martin. Maybe it was due to the fine weather or the first real oppertunity to meet and greet again since...
Fleeting Moments Series
This series for works from Tim Hudson features the use of clear resin. The layers of colour are built up to create a depth which trancends beyond the mere surface of the painting. Trapping each layer of colour in a layer of resin gives a much greater deffinition to...
First Exhibition at Thud_Studio
We are proud to announce that the first exhibition to be held at Thud_Studio will be "The Hosts of Houthavens", an exhibition of photography from Benjamin Martin. Benjamin is a young french photographer living and working in Amsterdam and this series of photographs...
Tim Hudson shows in Lisbon
Tim Hudson will be showing a three pieces of his works in an exhibition at the Colorida Galeria de Arte In Lisbon Portugal. The opening will be on the 10th October 2020 at 16:00 and the work will remain on show until the 23rd.
New Studio
NEW STUDIO In April I moved in to a great new studio. It's a perfect space for my work in the North of Amsterdam. I have workshop downstairs and a great exhibition and reception area upstairs with lots of natural light. Now that Corona lockdown rules are lifting, feel...
Asterweg 101
Amsterdam 1031HM
+31(0)6 55 890 376
KvK: 76458180
Open Hours
Monday - Saturday: 12pm – 6pm
Sunday: By appointment
Holidays: Closed